What are the guidelines for printing my bank account opening documents?
Signing your documents electronically is not acceptable. The bank requires printed and signed documents by hand (using a pen). Please follow the guidelines below to avoid delays and additional costs.
🚫 Do not sign your documents before your Zoom call!
You will sign your documents over a Zoom call with our lawyer at a later stage in the process.
🚫 No staples, please!
Easy-to-remove solutions like paper clips or binder clips are perfect.
✅ Print Settings: Single-sided only
The bank requires single-sided printing. Double-sided prints will be rejected.
✅ Print Settings: Black and white
Print your documents in black and white.
✅ Paper Size: A4 or US Letter (8.5” x 11”)
The bank accepts A4 or US Letter size paper only. A3 and US Legals size paper are not acceptable.
✅ Print Settings: Select Fit-to-Page
Ensure that all text is visible by adjusting your printer settings to prevent any cutting off. The bank documents are formatted for the standard European paper size (A4) which is narrower and longer than the standard US “Letter” paper size (8.5” x 11”)