Known formatting issues and limitations on bank account opening documents

Bank Account Opening Documents

  • The hyphen or apostrophe in my name doesn't appear
    • The bank's system cannot accommodate hyphens (-) and apostrophes (')
  • Other texts in my name or address do not appear
    • The bank's system sometimes omits short words such as De, Da, La, etc.
  • Postal code appears as 0000 - 000
    • The bank's system can only accommodate postal codes in Portugal, which is why this field can't be filled in
  • Second nationality 
    • If you hold a second passport, there is no need to have this portion filled out since it is typically not required by the bank
  • Blank pages
    • Blank pages serve as a section breaker and are completely normal
  • A city or country appears to be misspelled
    • Places are written in Portuguese and sometimes the translations differ by just a letter or two from the English equivalent. Here are some examples:
English Portuguese
Romania Romênia
Singapore Singapura
Bahrain Bahrein
Luxembourg Luxemburgo
Ghana Gana
Japan Japão
Taipei Taipe

Millennium's Internet Access

  • Country code isn't shown for the mobile number
    • Don't worry, your country code is already in bank's system. This document doesn't display your mobile number with the country code like the Bank Account Opening documents.

Millennium's Prestige Program

  • The Prestige Program document only needs to reflect one account holder. If you are opening a joint account, it will reflect the first account holder's name by default.
  • If the document that you received has 24 pages, the second set of 12 is just a duplicate copy and does not need to be signed or printed.

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